Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG


Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG

NITAG recommendations

Thu, 09/14/2023 - 05:09

Population group 6 months to 4 years; Booster application to population group 5 to 11 years 5 months after the second dose; Application of second booster to population group from 40 to 49 years of age; and Prioritized risk groups Essential workers: Teachers; Security Forces (Police and Military);

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Thu, 09/14/2023 - 05:08

Use second or third generation vaccines; Prioritize who should be vaccinated due to limited vaccine production such as the health care personnel in direct contact with patients, laboratory personnel, vaccinating personnel, patients in the first four days of symptom onset, and contacts of cases.

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Thu, 09/14/2023 - 05:08

Continue vaccination with 2 doses in girls until age 14 years due to lack of evidence for single dose; Vaccinate boys and girls next year in the 9- and 10-year-old cohorts; Invite scientific associations for education and promotion of vaccination; Convene a press conference to discuss HPV and the

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