Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN


Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN

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Recomendaciones NITAG

COVID-19: Covid-19 booster vaccination in childhood and adolescence: The committee agrees to recommend booster doses of COVID vaccine in childhood and adolescence: 1) From 6 months to 2 years inclusive: first booster 2) From 3 to 11 years inclusive: second booster 3) From 12 to 17 years inclusive: second booster. It is recommended to review strategies and communication to improve primary coverage.
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El refuerzo de DPT será cambiado a pentavalente a los 18 meses de edad
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The DPT booster will be changed to the pentavalent at 18 months of age.
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