Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG


Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG

NITAG recommendations

Thu, 09/14/2023 - 04:57

There is currently insufficient evidence to recommend a smallpox vaccination strategy; Train working group to conduct research on the subject and propose an evidence-based recommendation on the vaccine and the strategy to be adopted; Prioritize epidemiological surveillance, decentralize diagnosti

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Thu, 09/14/2023 - 04:55

Administer modified Ankara virus vaccine (Jynneos™️). Pre-exposure vaccination: 0.5 mL subcutaneous dose with a 2-dose schedule, 28-day interval to laboratory personnel handling samples for MPX dg.

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Thu, 09/14/2023 - 04:55

Include pregnant women among the groups to be vaccinated and consider vaccination with Pfizer from 12 years of age. Review COVID-19 vaccines for application to children.

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