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Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG

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Recomendaciones NITAG

Innovaciones y avances en vacunas e inmunobiológicos contra el VRS 
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The combined strategies, vaccination of pregnant women against RSV and recommendation of niservimab for infants, were recommended by most members. It is recommended to list a group of clinical conditions for infants to receive niservimab. For example: premature infants (extending the gestational age that has been used in the palivizumab recommendations), other infant health conditions similar to the use of palivizumab (congenital heart disease), Down syndrome and others to be further defined with specialists.
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En este sentido, todo PVU requiere un crecimiento estructural, funcional y financiero que garantice la suficiencia y calidad en la compra de vacunas
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