Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN


Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN

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Recomendaciones NITAG

The Vaccination Schedule for 2023 is under discussion. Despite the introduction of the Hexavalent vaccine as the first booster at 15 months, which includes the polio vaccine, it is recommended to continue the second booster at 4 years with OPVb.
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Recomendación de dosis de refuerzo con vacunas bivalentes contra COVID-19
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Recommendation of booster dose with bivalent COVID-19 vaccines: use of boosters with bivalent vaccines for priority groups. For regulatory reasons the vaccine to be used for this action will be the bivalent COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine BA.1 and BA.4/BA.5.
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