NITAG recommendations

13 September 2023

The operating manual of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was reviewed and needs to be updated since there has been a change in the organizational chart of the Ministry of Health. The recommendations for vaccination in patients with chronic diseases should be updated. Include children and adolescents who are contacts of patients with monkeypox as recommended by the CDC as post-exposure prophylaxis in children older than 5 months. Despite the introduction of Hexavalent vaccine as a first booster at the age of 15 months where polio vaccine is included, it is recommended to continue the second booster at the age of 4 years with bOPV. Do not administer MMR vaccine simultaneously with varicella vaccine because of possible increase in ESAVIs. For 2024, start vaccination with hexavalent vaccine at the age of 2 months and introduce a third MMR dose in adolescents due to outbreaks of mumps in this age group. Substitute the Td vaccine at 10 years of age for Tdap and in the elderly.

El Salvador
