NITAG recommendations

13 September 2023

Application with Oral Polio (bOPV) to all children from 2 months to 5 years of age, regardless of previous vaccination status and to apply the IPV vaccine in children who have not yet started the vaccination schedule and/or complete the schedule and this can be applied simultaneously with the bOPV. Recommendation to extend vaccination to other age groups. Improve interaction with the community, consider as an opportunity to enter these communities to initiate and regularize the  vaccination schedule in children with incomplete vaccination.  The blockade should be replicated in the other communities programmed for this intervention in which the index case is located. In case of refusal of injectable polio, ensure the application of bOPV vaccine. The committee suggests that given the existing background of the native communities, it is important to work considering the socio-cultural aspect (customs and beliefs). The placement of a single dose of HPV is based on the WHO communiqués of December 2023, which textually states that one or two doses of this vaccine can be placed. Request to the CDC, to have information of the circulating Influenza viruses for presentation at the next meeting. Dissemination of the Hospitals that have the Haemophilus Influenza type B vaccine. Presentation of the vaccine inserts for the next meeting. Dr. Verne commits to supporting the spokesperson, as well as the other members of the committee, stating that the invitation will be made in advance.

