NITAG recommendations

14 September 2023

Achieve 95% coverage in all districts of routine childhood vaccinations particularly DPT3, polio, MMR1, MMR2 vaccines. Ensure high quality surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases. Vaccinate girls aged 9 to 12 years of age with HPV vaccine and achieving 90% coverage. Countries may implement the single-dose option.  Introduce the pneumococcal vaccine.  Monitor the course of the COVID-19 pandemic and continue public health measures. Develop effective communication with their population and communities, encouraged to address the people’s concerns. Get country vaccine forecasting accurate and communicate it to the Revolving Fund in a timely manner. Strengthen vaccination legislation by including a protected budget line for vaccines, supplies, and the EPI program. Promote the use of digital health and electronic records. Develop the involvement of the private sector in immunization and surveillance. Introduce the birth dose of hepatitis B. Monitor the Mpox outbreak and respond appropriately.  


Caribbean countries
