Latest Updates from NITAGs

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Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG

NITAG recommendations

Wed, 09/13/2023 - 09:40

Recommendations: Include vaccination against COVID-19 with bivalent vaccine in the pediatric population (from 6 months of age); Reaffirmation of the NITAG recommendation of January 2023, based on the current availability of bivalent vaccine the NITAG considers it important to prioritize it in the

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Wed, 09/13/2023 - 09:39

The use of bivalent vaccines against COVID-19: Based on the safety data on the use of
bivalent vaccines (BA.4/BA.5)8,9 CONAPI states that the Moderna and/or Pfizer bivalent vaccines

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Wed, 09/13/2023 - 09:36

El NITAG recomienda la inclusión en el Calendario Nacional de Vacunación de la vacuna Polio IPV de 5 dosis a partir de 2024. A partir de septiembre de 2023, el calendario nacional cambiará de dos dosis a una dosis única para todas las niñas e incluirá a los niños de 9 años.

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