NITAG recommendations

13 September 2023

Girls who have received a dose of HPV vaccine in previous years will receive the 2nd Dose in the year 2023. Cohort boys and girls for this year 2023 will be vaccinated according to the Technical Health Standard No. 196-2023-MINSA, a single dose, except boys or girls with immunological problems to whom it will be placed as described in the standard. Follow up on the electronic card project. Information from private institutions is requested. Review of the considerations contained in the letter sent by the laboratory TECNOFARMA, who sends information on the monovalent vaccine ARNm1237, (Spikevax) in its presentation of 100 mcgrs/1ml, available in the country. To consider the importance of training managers and teachers to complement the sensitization of parents. Elaborate a withdrawal form for the application of the vaccine, to be signed by the parents who do not accept the vaccination of their daughters or sons. Continue the vaccination of adults over 60 years of age with the bivalent dose after having been inoculated with the 3rd dose as a minimum requirement 4 and in health personnel, according to Ministerial Resolution N°1072-2022/MINSA, which includes the booster dose with Bivalent vaccine. Proposal to intensify communication actions formed by multidisciplinary teams: sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, communicators. Determine actions to control vaccine laboratories that sell vaccines acquired directly from laboratories. Consider differentiated registers of the vaccines to be used. Request the INS and CDC about the data of 5 years ago of Influenza. Commitment to send what other countries are doing on vaccination against COVID-19, regarding the application of 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine and the use of bivalent vaccine.

