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Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG


Latest Updates from NITAGs

Stay Informed with real-time coverage related to health and NITAG

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Recomendaciones NITAG

Regarding the use of bivariate vaccines as initial schedule and periodicity of boosters: 1) CoNaIn recommends the use of bivariate vaccines as booster doses while recognizing that in the current situation monovalent vaccine can continue to be used for this purpose. 2) In the event that The National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology approves their use as a primary schedule, CoNaIn will recommend their use for that purpose. 3) Regarding the periodicity, CoNaIn recommends that the boosters be biannual, tending in the future to an annual periodicity.
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Revisión de la actualización de las Pautas Técnicas sobre Enfermedades Prevenibles por Vacunación
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Revision of the update of Technical Guidelines on Vaccine Preventable Diseases, including the latest vaccines to be introduced in the vaccination schedule.
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