Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN


Últimas actualizaciones de NITAG

Manténgase informado con cobertura en tiempo real relacionada con la salud y GNN

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Recomendaciones NITAG

Igualación de la edad de vacunación contra el VPH para niñas y niños
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Equalization of the age of vaccination against HPV for girls and boys, defining vaccination between 9 and 14 years of age. Extension of HPV vaccination up to 45 years of age for immunocompromised male patients.
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Countries are encouraged to: Focus on routine immunization of the children under 5 years of age Conduct targeted community campaigns (district by district) Use retired nurses and the private sector to support the EPI Team Conduct targeted campaigns for catch-up of HPV vaccine
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